How Do I Know If I Have Wizard Wrist? (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)

In this article, we’ll talk about Wizard Wrist and how it develops as well as how to test yourself for symptoms.

Do your fingers feel…electric?

That tingling and numbness that you get after a long day can feel like you’ve been shocked by a lightning spell. It can feel like a dark wizard is trying to torture you into giving up some critical information.

It can be scary and confusing not knowing how to handle this. You terrify yourself by asking questions like:

  • “When will this ever go away?“

  • “Will this ever get better? ”

While there are several conditions that cause tingling fingers, we will be shedding some light on one of the most common causes of it: carpal tunnel syndrome (which we like to call Wizard Wrist due to its tendency to inflict spellcasters).

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome(Wizard Wrist)?

There is a small tunnel in your wrist through which the tendons of your hand pass through to attach to the tips of the fingers. Alongside those tendons is the median nerve, which provides control of the muscles in the hand, as well as provides sensation from the skin of the hand.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is when that tunnel surrounding this nerve is compressed, which causes the nerve to become irritated.

How Does the Condition Develop?

While there are certain anatomical and genetic factors that make wizard wrist more likely (those dang cursed bloodlines), symptoms usually coincide with repetitive use of the wrist and hand in activities such as typing, cleaning, and lab work.

The Symptoms:

Wizard wrist presents itself as numbness, tingling or even a burning sensation that primarily takes place in the palm side of the first three fingers.

True carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms will be only in the hand below the wrist. If you feel tingling in the forearms, arm, shoulder or neck, the nerve irritation may be coming from a different place.

The tingling can come on and off intermittently initially then progress to become a constant tingle or numbness in the later stages.

How Do I Know if I Have Wizard Wrist?

Disclaimer: A full test should be performed by a trained physician or physiotherapist for proper diagnosis.

Test #1: The Prayer Test

  1. Put your hands as shown as if in prayer. Hold them to your chest for 1 minute.

  2. A positive test is tingling sensation (or an increase in tingling) to the thumb and first two fingers of either hand.

Test #2: The Reverse Prayer Test

  1. Put the back of your hands together, bent at the wrist as shown. Hold them to your chest for 1 minute.

  2. A positive test is tingling sensation (or an increase in tingling) to the thumb and first two fingers of either hand.

Test #3: Tapping the Tunnel

  1. Tap the front of your wrist, right below the palm, right over the crease of the wrist. You can use the two ropey tendons of your forearm as a guide for where to tap.

  2. Tap with light pressure about twenty times.

  3. A positive test is an increased tingling sensation to the thumb and first two fingers of the hand.

What Can I Do About Wizard Wrist?

First and foremost, get a brace. Wearing a brace is one of the best non-surgical ways to deal with the numbness and tingling that come along with carpal tunnel syndrome. You can click HERE for our tips on how to find the best brace for you. Now, there is more to it than just a brace—changing up your ergonomics at work can help prevent aggravation and you can also do some exercises and stretches to help relieve symptoms and strengthen the muscles around the wrist, which can help keep the wrist in neutral position.

Check out some of the best stretches HERE.


Wizard Wrist (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) is a progressive irritation of the median nerve as it passes through the carpal tunnel. While it can be treated non-surgically, it needs to be addressed as soon as symptoms begin. Allowing the condition to progress can lead to constant tingling and numbness and eventually atrophy or paralysis of the hand muscles, which can only be addressed by surgery at that point.

The Wrist Wizards are licensed doctors of physical therapy who specialize in treatment of the upper quarter: wrist, hands, elbows, shoulders and spine! We get you back to casting spells, swashbuckling or just doing what you love in a fun, structured and science based approach. The only magic here is how fast you’ll get better. Make an appointment to speak to one of us here!


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